Patient Participation Group

Information About the Patient Participation Group (PPG)


  • All of the PPG members are patients from the practice who have volunteered to give up some time to be involved in this group. They all share the common goal of wanting to help ensure the practice is able to maintain its current very high standards which patients value.
  • We are an active and friendly group that focuses on finding out what patients need and then doing practical things to help deliver these.
  • We carry out projects on topics to find information which can be helpful to patients and do regular patient surveys to get feedback about all aspects of the practice.
  • We have produced a number of leaflets designed to help patients e.g. ‘Making the Most of Your GP Consultation’.


  • We represent the best interests of patients registered with Chatsworth road Medical Centre.
  • We work closely with the doctors and staff in the practice to try and deliver the highest possible standards of healthcare and treatment.
  • We are the ‘critical friend’ of the medical centre, providing patient feedback as well as working with the centre on specific projects.


We have worked alongside the practice and helped implement changes to make the patient experience and service even better.  We try to represent patients best needs so if patients join the PPG and give their views and ideas we can add to the already excellent services provided by the practice.

Our monthly meetings are held using Zoom and last about an hour.

We also have a Virtual PPG which members use to add their views.

If you have any ideas for a project or simply want to find out more about what we do:

  • You can come along to a monthly meeting
  • Leave your details with a member of the admin team

Your information will be passed directly to a lead member of the PPG who will then get back to you to discuss further.

All patients are very welcome to join our PPG.

Next PPG Meeting

Our next PPG meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 19th February 2025 at 3.30pm.

New Patients Welcome

If you want to come along to a meeting, please leave your name and a contact number with a member of the admin team to pass onto our Chair - Ken Davis, who will contact you to arrange this.

You can find all past meeting minutes here along with all future meeting dates / times.